Apr. EN 2020

The report added that, despite the results of direct and indirect investments around the world, the level of risks and values​ of opportunities are almost equal, while the desire to invest or maintain that list without liquidation depends on expertise, tools and the ability to bear the continued decline in the values ​ ​ of all assets. 14 The benefits report indicated that liquidity disturbances and their effects will not stop there, because the biggest challenge lies in the debt markets, which are witnessing more values​ and tightness in front of new issues, while emerging market countries will have to pay debts estimated at $ 34 billion during the next 12 months. This will be extremely difficult for the government, especially if they are not able to provide sufficient reserves to cover their international obligations in light of the scarcity of dollar funding. The report highlights the risks in maintaining liquidity for reinvestment again. There are a few risks to economic performance, away from liquidation with the aim of final exit and maintaining cash for long periods, which will reflect negatively on investment climates and job markets in the medium and long term. Mazaya Monthly Real Estate Report - Week 4 - April 2020 On the other hand, the repercussions of the spread of the epidemic led to the cancellation of all promotional activities and real estate exhibitions regionally and worldwide, leading to the loss of many customers and deals and producing great difficulties in marketing operations, as customers prefer to postpone purchases, which would increase competition between Developers who will tend to offer greater payment facilities and pricing. In light of noticeable losses recorded in the markets of risky assets and bonds, investors around the world prefer to keep the "cache,” which could potentially cause two things. The first is a significant decrease in the values​ of investment liquidity, and the second is a great difficulty in using these funds to continue liquidating the assets of safe havens, including gold and bonds.