Apr. EN 2020
5 The accelerated development recorded by the economic sectors in the past few years and the accompanying expansion, lead to the rise in volume of imports and exports between the countries of the world. These countries are now recording exceptional competition levels to acquire increasing shares of global trade, which increases the feasibility and returns of existing projects and paves the way for more investments in the future. The development of the shipping sector plays an important role in sustaining life and securing supplies necessary for humankind during the difficult circumstances facing the world today. The weekly report of Al Mazaya Holding Company indicated that the logistics sector is witnessing several developments, making keeping pace with these changes and their requirements an extremely complicatedmatteraffectingthevalues of costs and required investments all the time. With the pressure and demand in the current period, theworld is testing the strength of this sector and its ability to provide supplies without interruption and with the same efficiency. This means the validity of all investment plans and strategies implemented earlier by the major economies in the region, especially in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates will be positively reflected with the availability job opportunities and the improvement of trade balances with the world. Al Mazaya: Shipping and support sectors prevent the global food and medical system from collapsing Mazaya Monthly Real Estate Report Week 3 - April 2020 The Benefits Report highlights the feasibility of investing in the air freight and logistics sectors
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