Apr. EN 2020

7 The report indicated that the increase in demand for air freight at the present time is offset by a significant decrease affecting the prices of energy derivatives, as they constitute a major part of the operating costs, and at a rate of no less than 30% of the operating costs of airlines. The decline in these costs would support the aviation, shipping, transport and commercial sector, which is aimed at supporting countries and people who have been affected since the outbreak of the virus. The "Statista.com" report had previously indicated expectations for the volume of the air cargo market to grow by about 5% annually until 2022, reaching 37 million metric tons. Mazaya Monthly Real Estate Report - Week 3 - April 2020 According to the benefits report, the need to transport medical equipment, tools, foodstuffs and other products to meet the demand of markets around the world has contributed to raising air freight rates by 300%, thus lending major support to the transportation sectors. The advantages report emphasised the significance of continuing focused investments in expanding and developing the air, land and sea freight sectors, along with perseverance in developing tools and scopes of the logistical sector. The Corona pandemic demonstrated how important this sector is and its willingness to support the growth of economic sectors and maintain supply chains for all goods and services in natural conditions. Currently the value of this industry has reached 200 billion dollars globally, which requires maximizing the benefit from these values ​and building on them.