Annual report 2020 eng

23 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Al Mazaya’s portfolio management division provides world-class management services to real estate companies within Al Mazaya Group, as well as to external clients. Our services encompass consultations on the various aspects of real estate management including Overall Management Services, Strategic Planning and Budgeting, Business Operations, Policies and Procedures, Operational Manuals, and Setup of IT Systems. Furthermore, we provide professional advice on investment opportunities locally and regionally, ensuring our clients make informed decisions. Real estate portfolio management at Al Mazaya has a responsibility to maximize the performance and value of a company’s portfolio of real estate assets that are owned or managed through acquisitions and operations. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Al Mazaya acts on behalf of its owners to provide services such as legal registration, governmental f o l l ow u p , a n d r e n t collection and contracting. Our Property and Facility Management Department as sures inves tor s that theirpropertiesare takencareof in thebestway possible. Services offered include cleaning, security, ma i n t enance , l eas i ng , IT, and valet parking. In addition, our professional prope r t y managemen t team will evaluate the property and determine an accurate rental rate, along with tenant screening and selection. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE Al Mazaya Real Estate Brokerage was introduced specifically to provide high-quality, personalized services to our clients, deve loped spec i f i ca l l y for their convenience. For example, our brokers obtain agreements from property owners to place properties for sale with real estate firms, monitor the fulfillment of purchase contract terms and ensure that they are handled in a timely manner, compare a property with similar p r o p e r t i e s t h a t h av e recently been sold (in order to determine its competitive market price), and may also act as an intermediary in the closing negotiations between buyers and sellers over property prices and settlement details.