Page 13 - 2023 Auunal Report - EN
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Eng. Ibrahim Al Soqabi, MBA | Mr. Abdullah Al Nafisi |
Group CEO Deputy CEO
Educational Background & Work Experience Educational Background & Work Experience
Holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Maastricht Mr. Al Nafisi received his MSc in Financial Decision Analysis from
University and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom and his bachelor’s
George Washington University, DC, USA, and He has further in Accounting from the American University in Dubai, United
participated in several Executive Training Programs provided by Arab Emirates. Mr. Al-Nafisi also holds many certificates, including
Harvard Business School and INSEAD. Over all, he possesses a Corporate Restructuring Course, Activity Investment Program, Anti-
cumulative practical experience of 22 years, diversified among Money Laundering, Investment Portfolio Management, Wealth
the fields of Civil Engineering, Real estate developing, Corporate Management, Company Evaluation - Financial Analysis, Mergers and
and project management, Risk Analysis, Enterprise and Corporate Acquisitions, Financing for Non-Financial Executives, Leadership
Governance, within and outside kuwait; however, most notably, his and Strategic Planning, Decision making strategies under risk and
strategic and leading role as a Chief Executive Officer during the uncertainty.
past 16 years. Mr. Al Soqabi was successful in transforming Kuwaiti Mr. Abdullah Al-Nafisi has many high-ranking positions that resulted
companies into leading companies operating inside and outside in the growth of experiences that reflected to his successes, Mr.
Kuwait, thus encompassing under numerous subsidiaries through Al-Nafisi also held various positions in Corporate Finance, Direct
both inorganic and organic growths, which have been undertaking Investment Department, Investment Banking Services, Private Equity,
several activities at the local, regional and international markets, such External Audit ad Business Development.
as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States, Turkey, and Hong Kong.
Currently, he holds the Group CEO position for Mazaya Holding. Mr.
Al Soqabi held several board positions in reputable listed companies
such as First Dubai Real Estate, Al Tijaria Commercial Real Estate, Al
Enma’ Real Estate (ERESCO), Kuwaiti Manager Co. for Contracting,
Baitek Real Estate, and Al Masaken Real Estate. He is currently the
Chairman of Mazaya Real Estate Development Co., KSC.