perations & Services
Prime among Al Mazaya’s range of services, our professional Real Estate
Development Team offers an array of skilled personnel and key services,
including purchasing and distribution strategy for large spaces to invest in
and develop, building new and emerging opportunities, and due diligence
and feasibility assessments of potential projects. Additional services include
building business models, and structuring mainstream plans for major tasks
(financing options and marketing).
Al Mazaya’s comprehensive basket of services forms the cornerstone of our Projects
Management Sector. Providing a wide range of services including Development
Management, Project, Programme and Portfolio Management, Pre-Design and
Design Management, Projects and Construction Management, Cost Engineering,
in addition to Constructability Analysis, Applications and Value Engineering. The
strength of our team lies in its experience and dedication to follow up and directly
manage all Projects all through the multiple stages of the Development process, that
is, from Conception to Completion and Handing Over. Our Projects Management
Department further offers and manages services which involve Lean Construction
Principles and Applications, Risk Analysis and Management, Fast-tracking Projects
Delivery, Troubleshooting and Troubled Projects turnaround, Construction
Productivity Optimization, as well as training andTechnical support.
With its varied and distinctive product basket, Al Mazaya holds an
incomparable position in the market when it comes to creating an exclusive
image for our clients. The pillar of Al Mazaya’s marketing services is built on
our highly motivated in-house team with its expertise in communications,
strategy building, branding initiation and development. The services offered
by the Marketing and Sales Department cover all marketing activities – from
brand and corporate identity to on and off-line advertising campaigns, event
management, PR, socialmediamanagement andWebsite.AtAlMazaya, the
Marketing Department’s scope entails working on new promotions, affiliate
programs and customer retention techniques. The sales division takes the
lead on setting strategies and driving sales and is proactive in contacting
customers with surveys, special offers and developing new leads.