Selection of Competent Persons for theMembership of the Board of Directors and ExecutiveManagement
• Nominations and Remunerations Committee
The nomination mechanism to the membership of the board of directors and executive management
ensures the continuation of attracting and selecting competent staff to join the membership of the
board and executive management. Further, the Company’s mechanism of offering remunerations
was laid down by Hay Group Company, and approved by the board of directors and the Company
general assembly, in order to keep competent staff and attract new competencies and to assist in
fulfilling the Company’s objectives and its progress. The Company board of directors has re-composed
the Nominations and Remunerations Committee to consist of three non executive members of the
Board, with one of its members as independent member. The board has specified the Committee
membership tenure and its working method, as well as indicated the powers and responsibilities of
the Committee in its charter, approved by the board. Further, the Company articles of associations
stipulates a clear policy for offering remunerations to the chairman and members of the board of
directors. Further, the Company remunerations policy is based on the following principles:
- Compliance with the provisions of the Companies Law and the relevant laws.
- Taking into consideration attracting and maintaining the best competent personnel.
- Ensure equality within the Company and competitiveness outside the Company.
- Transparency in offering remunerations
Board Members’ Remunerations:
- The applicable remunerations and incentives system in the Company, particularly those related
to the board members, has the highest transparency criteria, as stipulated by the governance rules,
whereby the following are adhered to:
- The Board remunerations system complies with the provision of article 198 of the Companies Law
No.1 of 2016 that it is inadmissible to estimate the total remunerations of the board of directors
members by more than ten percent of the net profit after deducting depreciation, reserves and
distribution of a profit not less than five percent of the capital to shareholders or any higher percentage
stipulated by the Company memorandum
- The board members’ remunerations shall be approved by the general assembly, pursuant to the
recommendation of the Nominations and Remunerations Committee
- The independent board of directors member may be exempted from the aforesaid remunerations
maximum limit pursuant to the approval of the ordinary general assembly.
- All the remunerations offered to the board members during the past years did not amount to 30%
or 40% of the maximum limit of the permitted remunerations system.
Executive management remunerations and incentives:
The remunerations system of the executive management is associated with the key performance
indicators (KPIs) for the executive management and the results realized by the Company, and includes
the following:
Fixed remunerations:
- The level of the responsibilities entrusted to the employee, his occupational progress, experiences
and competences and taken into consideration.
- Fixed remunerations are determined, including the amounts, allowances, benefits and privileges,
according to the job grades approved by the board of directors.
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