Page 21 - FS-EN-Q2-30-06-2022
P. 21

            JUNE 30, 2022
            (All amounts are in Kuwaiti Dinars)

                                                                       December 31, 2021 (Audited)
                                                                Level 2          Level 3             Total
                Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss   -         394,447           394,447
                Financial  assets  at fair  value through  other
                 comprehensive income                          1,455,048        8,913,947        10,368,995
                Investment properties (a)                     45,122,473      115,957,702       161,080,175
                                                              46,577,521      125,266,096       171,843,617

                                                                             June 30, 2021
                                                                Level 2          Level 3             Total
                Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss   -         375,401           375,401
                Financial  assets  at fair  value through  other
                 comprehensive income                          1,559,194        9,543,204        11,102,398
                Investment properties                         47,134,692      119,486,667       166,621,359
                                                              48,693,886      129,405,272       178,099,158

               a)  Investment properties include all properties listed under properties held for sale.

               There were no transfers between Level 2 and Level 3 during the period.

            15.  Significant Impact of COVID-19
               The recent outbreak of the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) across various geographies globally since end of year 2019 up
               till now, which was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, has caused disruption to business and
               economic activities. The fiscal and monetary authorities around the world, including Kuwait, have announced various
               support measures to counter the possible adverse implications of COVID-19. The Group has taken several measures
               to manage its risk associated with the pandemic, including identification of the most vulnerable sectors primarily affected
               and placing added measures to ensure a high level of scrutiny. The uncertainties caused by COVID-19 required the
               Group to consider the impact of volatility in the forward-looking macro-economic factors in order to manage the credit
               risk and liquidity risk and to determine the impact of COVID-19 consequences on the fair value measurement of financial
               and non-financial instruments in order to reflect that impact in the consolidated financial statements since the pandemic
               outbreak and till the accompanied interim consolidated financial information date.

               The Group has performed an assessment on its ability to continue as a going concern considering current economic
               conditions and all available information about future risks and uncertainties. The projections have been prepared to
               cover the Group’s future performance, capital and liquidity requirements. The impact of COVID-19 may continue to
               evolve, but currently, the projections show that the Group has the required resources to continue in operations on a
               going concern, such position that remains significantly unaffected and unchanged since December 31, 2021. As a
               result, those interim consolidated financial information have been prepared on a going concern basis.

               The  Group  had  concluded  that  no  material adjustments  are  required for  liabilities  and  other assets as  of  the
               accompanied  interim  consolidated  financial  information. The  management will  need  to  carefully  consider the
               measurement and recognition requirements for impairment losses on the Group's assets in the future, as the extent
               and duration of the economic impact of those events remains uncertain, since it depends on future developments that
               cannot be accurately predicted at this time, such as the rate of virus spread, the effectiveness of the containment
               measures taken and the trends and effectiveness of approved vaccinations by governmental authorities across the
               world. Given the ongoing uncertainty for the related economic impact, a reliable estimate of the impact cannot be
               currently made, but it may affect financial statements in future periods. The impact’s magnitude and amount may vary
               according to the extent and period during which those events are expected to end along with their effects.

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