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            Our Portfolio Management Services encompass consultations on the various aspects of real estate management, including:
            • Overall management services.
            • Strategic planning and budgeting.
            • Business operations: business development, marketing/sales, administration, and financial & project feasibilities.
            • Policies & procedures, and operational manuals
            • Setup of Information Technology systems.
            • Organizational/functional structure, staffing and training.
            • Establishment & management of Real Estate Portfolios.

            Al Mazaya Investments:
            We provide professional advice on investment opportunities locally and regionally, ensuring our clients make informed
            decisions. We conduct financial analysis on new investment opportunities and identify and analyze the risk of new projects in
            order to propose risk mitigation and take full advantage of returns.

            Regional Portfolio:
            Our services encompass consultation on complex regional real estate portfolio management aspects and range from strategic
            planning & budgeting through complete business operation management.

            6.  REAL ESTATE VALUATION:
            Accurate real estate valuation is important for a variety of endeavors, including real estate financing, listing real estate for sale,
            investment analysis, property insurance and the taxation of real estate.

            At Al Mazaya we use tested methods for real estate valuation. We provide a critical service in determining the true value
            of property, which can be used to prepare feasibility studies for projects meant for sale or future expansion. Our practice is
            licensed and conforms to international standards and regulations.

            The main factors influencing property value are:
            • Demand - market analysis determining the desire or need for ownership supported by the financial means to satisfy the
            • Utility - the ability to satisfy future owners’ desires and needs.
            • Scarcity - the finite supply of competing properties.
            • Transferability - the ease with which ownership rights are transferred.

            Al-Mazaya Company Profile | Al Mazaya Overview
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