irst Rule
Building a Balanced Structure of the Board of Directors
• The board of directors’ role represents the balance point which acts to achieve the objectives of the
shareholders and follow up the executive management of the Company. The board of directors aims
at achieving the Company’s strategic objectives through the executive management’s undertaking
of the tasks entrusted to it in a perfect manner. Whereas the board of directors’ decisions has a
large effect on the Company’s performance and the safety of its financial position, therefore the
Company addressed concern that its board of directors consists of a sufficient number of members
(five members) to permit it to form the required number of committees emanating from it under
the framework of the corporate governance rules. The composition of the board of directors has
taken into consideration the diversity in experiences and specialized skills to contribute in fostering
competence in taking decisions. Further, all members of the board of directors are non executive
members. The board comprises one independent member. The Company board of directors assigns
the sufficient time to undertake its mandated tasks and responsibilities, including preparation for the
meetings of the board and the board committees, keenness for attending these meetings, as well as
organize meetings of the Company board of directors according to the provisions of the law and
the corporate governance rules. Further, a special register has been created in which the minutes
of the board meetings are written in serial numbers for the year in which the meeting was held,
indicating the venue of the meeting, its date, starting and ending hour. The board has appointed
the board secretary from among the Company personnel and determined his tasks according to the
Corporate governance rules in line with the responsibilities mandated to him. Further, the tasks and
responsibilities of each of the board of directors and executive management were clearly outlined
in the policies and regulations approved by the board which reflect the balance in the powers and
authorities between each of the board of directors and executive management, and so that none of
the parties has absolute authority, in order to facilitate the Company’s operations.
The board of directors consists of five members and one secretary as follows:
Election date/
appointment of the
Mr. Rasheed Yaccoub Al Nafisi
Non executive Chairman
28/ 3 / 2016
Mr. Abdulrahman Mohamed
Rashed Al Shared
Non executive Deputy chairman 28/ 3 / 2016
Mr. Mohamed Deeb Mehrez
Non executive Board member
28/ 3 / 2016
Mr.MohamedKhaledOthmanAlOthman Non executive Board member
28/ 3 / 2016
Mrs. RashaAbdullaMuhlhalAlQennai
Non executive Board member
28/ 3 / 2016
Ibrahim Abdulrahman Al Soqabi
28/ 3 / 2016