Page 17 - Q1 2024 EN
P. 17

            MARCH 31, 2024
            (All amounts are in Kuwaiti Dinars)

            7.  Property, plant and equipment

                                               Right of   Medical tools                Furniture and
                                              use assets     and        Computers and   fixtures  and
                                                 (a)       equipment       software      others        Total
               At December 31, 2023            1,561,270      303,086      1,518,100      1,989,860      5,372,316
               Additions                         -            -               2,342       -              2,342
               Transferred to investment properties (a) (Note 8)   (1,561,270)      -      -      -      (1,561,270)
               Related to disposal of a subsidiary   -       (303,086)      (193,527)      (969,117)      (1,465,730)
               Foreign currency translation adjustments   -      -             149           145          294
               At March 31, 2024                 -            -            1,327,064      1,020,888      2,347,952

               Accumulated depreciation:
               At December 31, 2023             290,268        47,264      1,331,288      1,117,849      2,786,669
               Charge for the period             -            -              11,363         1,761       13,124
               Related to transferred to investment properties
                (a) (Note 8)                    (290,268)      -            -             -            (290,268)
               Related to disposal of a subsidiary   -        (47,264)      (92,087)      (114,351)      (253,702)
               Foreign currency translation adjustments   -      -             94            131          225
               At March 31, 2024                 -            -            1,250,658      1,005,390      2,256,048

               Net book value
               At March 31, 2024                 -            -              76,406        15,498       91,904
               At December 31, 2023            1,271,002      255,822       186,812        872,011      2,585,647

               (a)  During the period ended on March 31, 2024, the Group has transferred the net book value of the rights of use
                   assets amounting to KD 1,271,002 from Property, plant and equipment to investment properties (Note 8), as those
                   rights were used by one of the group’s subsidiaries in its activity. That subsidiary was disposed of and transferred
                   to an associate during the period ended March 31, 2024 (Note 6).

            8.  Investment properties
               The movement during the period / year is as follows:
                                                                                December 31,
                                                                 March 31,         2023           March 31,
                                                                  2024            (Audited)         2023
               Balance at the beginning of the period / year     134,996,841     159,901,075      159,901,075
               Additions                                             37,044       14,654,339         127,150
               Net transfer from property, plant and equipment (Note 7)   1,271,002     -             -
               Net reclassification from / to assets classified as held for
                  sale                                              -             10,084,766       (4,630,179)
               Disposals                                         (13,574,993)     (45,231,074)     (2,544,959)
               Change in fair value (a)                               9,836        (2,850,156)        -
               Foreign currency translation adjustments            (370,143)       (1,562,109)     (1,578,899)
               Balance at the end of the period / year           122,369,587     134,996,841       51,274,188

               (a)  As a result of the issuance of the audited financial statements of First Dubai Real Estate Development Company
                   K.S.C.P. for the purpose of merging with the Parent Company (Note 3), the Group has valuated the investment
                   properties included in the financial statements of First Dubai Real Estate Development Company K.S.C.P. as at
                   the date of the merger, resulting in a change in the fair value of those investment properties amounting to KD

                   The Group has complied with the Executive Regulations of Capital Markets Authority regarding the valuation of
                   investment  properties.  Valuation  of  investment  properties  was  conducted  by  independent  appraisers  with
                   recognized and relevant professional qualifications using recognized valuation techniques and principles.

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